Horses look curiously at the camera
The Burgstaller horse-riding hotel.
Set off & let go.
Holiday. Horses. Adventure. Fun.

Riding holiday at the Familiengut.

The Familiengut Burgstaller by Lake Millstatt is home to various animals over the 30,000 m² site, including horses. Our hotel resort with a large riding arena and ring is the ideal place for anyone wishing to combine horse-riding with a holiday or gain an initial insight into horses. Our guests will also have the chance to find out more about the lives of horses and can help to feed and look after them during their holidays.

The great thing about our farmyard is that it provides our guests with a fantastic range of experiences. There is relaxation, enjoyment and sport – as well as the chance to go riding. Ponies, mini-ponies and Haflingers have all found a lovely, caring home with us. Whether riding lessons, pony riding, rides out or simply cuddling, feeding and caring for the animals: you can spend plenty of unforgettable hours on holiday here in Austria.

A total of 600 m² are designated as a riding arena and riding ring at the Familiengut. Together with our riding instructor Lydia Schwarzfischer, children, teenagers and everyone loving horses can learn to ride in their holidays or take refresher lessons. From the lunge, progress to the track and then go for a proper ride out! Riding enthusiasts can pursue their passion on holiday here with no shortage of fun, relaxation and plenty of other adventures too.

Our world of horses.

Riding as an all-round experience.

As a horse-riding hotel in Carinthia, it is particularly important to us that we do not just offer riding lessons and that the horses are not just ‘used’ for these sessions. They are fascinating animals with their own individual character. It is well worth getting to know them and every riding lesson is an all-round experience, including caring for the horses. The riding arena and ring offer plenty of space for people and animals over an area of 600 m². Horse enthusiasts can soak up fresh air in the area around the Familiengut Burgstaller by following the many bridleways out in the nature by Lake Millstatt.

Have we aroused your interest in a riding holiday on our estate in Austria? It's best to inquire right away for your desired period!